Why Fiber Internet Is More Reliable in All Weather

 Most people know that fiber internet is the fastest available. Its fiber optic technology transfers data at near-light speed, making streaming movies in 4K or sharing bandwidth with your family a breeze.

But did you know fiber is also more reliable than other kinds of internet as well, especially in severe weather? Legacy internet connections (think older systems like cable, and satellite that rely on outdated technologies) just cannot compete with fiber’s speeds or reliability. Because of their structural differences and even the way they’re deployed and installed, those older technologies are far more susceptible to outages due to inclement weather.

At Geneseo Communications, we’re proud to deliver the fastest, most reliable internet our community can get. Read on to better understand why fiber internet is heads-and-shoulders above other technologies for reliability, and why you can count on it in just about any weather condition.

Fiber Lines Are Buried—and Not Directly Exposed to Weather Threats

Unlike many other kinds of internet, like satellite, or wireless 5G, our fiber lines are buried beneath the surface of the ground. This means that your fiber connection is hidden away from wind, rain, and other weather impacts.

Fallen trees, which are the bane of telephone and many other exposed powerlines and wires, simply can’t touch a buried fiber line. Just think of how gusty winds or thunderstorms can bring down tree limbs (or entire trees) over powerlines, knocking out power, telephone, and—way too frequently—internet services to tens of thousands of customers at a time!

Because our fiber is installed in the ground, these risks just don’t impact customers utilizing our fiber internet. And fiber is far less prone to service disruptions from dramatic fluctuations in cold or hot weather because the ground helps insulate the fiber lines from extreme temperatures.

Fiber Is Not Affected by Electromagnetic Interference

 Another significant advantage fiber has over other forms of internet technology is the composition of the materials it uses, which makes it much less susceptible to electromagnetic interference. Electromagnetic interference (often called EMI) occurs when an outside source, anything from a household appliance to nearby construction work, interrupts the normal flow and transmission of electrical signals.

Bad weather can cause EMI, too, especially when lightning strikes wreak havoc on electrical systems. For internet users, EMI can lead to service disruptions, slowdowns, distortions, or even crashes of your internet. And bad weather is the worst time for downtime! No one wants to be stuck at home without the connection they need to check in on loved ones, get weather reports, or keep the kids entertained.

Unlike fiber, cable internet uses coaxial cable, which is comprised of a metal-based (copper) wire. Copper-based coaxial cable can be easily influenced by nearby electromagnetic energy—including some very common sources that are probably in your home! These include mundane household items like microwave ovens, but also nearby power lines and even electrical motors.

Rather than relying on copper wires, fiber optic lines consist of many tiny hairs of thin glass, which transmit internet signal at nearly the speed of light. Thus, because it is composed of glass (rather than metal), fiber internet simply isn’t affected by EMI from appliances, power lines, or even the weather like coaxial cable internet is.

Light Is Flexible!

Lastly, fiber’s inherent advantages over cable in just about any weather condition stick out for another reason—light is flexible! And that flexibility really matters during all-manner of extreme weather events.

Most people think of downed powerlines and extreme temperatures as the primary causes of weather-based internet problems. But inclement weather can sometimes cause cable lines to bend (i.e., from extreme precipitation or flooding). That crimping harms the copper wiring within and can slow or even stop the flow of internet signal to your home. Not so with fiber!

Fiber optic lines and their many strands of fine glass “hairs” can more easily bend without being crimped or damaged—and without interrupting or preventing the internet signal. The glass materials are so flexible that with fiber, the internet signal literally “goes with the flow”! Thus, unless the fiber connection is physically cut, you shouldn’t lose internet signal due to any unforeseen bending of your lines from harsh weather.

From the way it is installed in the ground to the quality of its materials and components, fiber internet is just more reliable in all weather conditions than cable, or satellite internet. You just can’t find a more dependable or faster internet connection than fiber!

To get connected to Geneseo Communications’ advanced fiber network and enjoy a better experience in all weather, contact us today!

email: wecare@geneseo.com or phone: 309-944-2013

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